Scribes And
Matt. 23:
1. scribe - a copier of the law, hence became well versed, a teacher
2. Pharisee (separated ones) ..
a. a 'minority' party among the Jews - about 6000 at the time of Jesus…
1. others, the Saduccees, the Zealots, etc.
b. first appear during the inter-testament period, not much known.
3. NT -- believed in resurrection and spirits (Acts 23:8: For Sadducees say that there is no resurrection—and no angel or spirit; but the Pharisees confess both.
a. MUCH deeper than that -- Sadducees considered that Temple worship was the centre and main purpose of the law… Pharisees stressed individual fulfilment of all sides of the law (which the temple worship was only a part).
b. Believed that the Babylonian captivity was caused by their failure to keep the Mosaic law -- TRUE.
c. HENCE -- they set out to TEACH (and bind) the law -- and all the implications of it.
1. they would take the law and 'build a hedge' around it -- make all of the specific applications of every law -- so that it would not be broken in ignorance or accident.
2. Hence, law had 613 commandments, 248 positive and 365 negative.
3. Sabbath -- developed 39 principal acts that were prohibited on the Sabbath.
d. Being convinced that they had the right interpretation, they considered such 'traditions of the elders' to be the 'law of God' -- Mark 7:3, Matt. 15:
4. Their arguments with Jesus
a. The SABBATH -- Luke 6: ; Luke 14 -- 'do good' ---
1. made NO concessions for others!! -
2. YET - would make it easy on selves, THEIR animal would be rescued….
b. The 'washing of hands' and other traditions… Matt. 15:
c. Eating with 'unclean' -- Mark 2:16f
d. fasting as a requirement - Matt. 9:
e. His EQUALITY WITH GOD - the son of God -
1. They plotted - Matt 22:15
2. They put fear into the people -- John 11:57 (put out of synagogue)
3. They ARRESTED - John 18:3
4. They put guards at tomb .. Mtt. 27:62
5. Their GOOD points -
a. Nicodemus, and others show that SOME were -
b. They did emphasise and teach the law -- 'sit in Moses' seat'.
1. Grecian philosophers, would lecute from seat, 'cathedrarii' --
2. Synagogue - STAND to read, SET to preach (cp. Luke 4 )
c. Jesus
encouraged people - 'do what they teach' --
1. NOT everything -- for some of their
teachings WERE wrong -- Mtt. 16:2
a. beware of 'leaven' (doctrine) of the Pharisees… which is hypocrisy, Lk. 12:1 and Mark 8:15 --
2. That which was OF God --
6. Their condemnation - hypocrisy!
a. For all their religion - were COVETIOUS - Luke 16:14 f
b. Were 'self-righteous' - not seeing their own sins - Luke 18:9f
c. Rejected the evidence of miracles - yet asked for 'more signs' - Matt. 16:1f
1. Mtt. 12 - demons by 'Satan' -
2. John 5, heal
3. John 9 - blind man
4. John 11- 12, Lazarus!
d. Rejected the counsel of God against themselves not being baptized - Luke 7:30
a. Hypocrites -- say and do not …
b. What they did, was to be seen of MEN (verily they have their reward)
c. Their religion was that OUTWARD part that gave glory and distinction to THEM -
1. Clothes
a. phylacteries -- scriptures that were folded and tied to their forehead -- because Deut. 6:8 said 'law should ALWAYS be before their eyes'….
b. Put blue border on their garments to distinguish themselves from 'heathen' - Pharisees made their easy to be SEEN by men…. God knew if they were 'separated' from sin!
2. Social 'prestige' -
a. hob nob with politicians -- verses reproving of evil!
b. They more often than not, are the false prophets of the OT stripe!
3. Titles -
a. 'Rabbi' (teacher) -- Father -- Master (Lord)
1. Paul & Timothy, 1 Tim. 1:2, 18; 2 tim. 1:2 -- 'son in the faith' -
b. Rev., Most Holy Rev.,
c. Pastor, 'Doctor' , even 'Brother' or 'Elder'
1. Religion is the 'binding back' of man to God --
2. Religion, while seen of men, is not to be done to be seen of men…
a. True religion -- involves serving OTHERS, NOT make name for self….
3. Religion MORE than the outward -- must involve the heart / mind
4. Religion of the heart WILL manifest in obedience! -- Luke 7:30